Grow Your Instagram LIKE CRAZY 😱 in 2024 with These SIMPLE Tricks!

Grow Your Instagram LIKE CRAZY & discover 10 Instagram tips & tricks to elevate your experience. Learn hacks for stunning stories, avoid sensitive content, secure your account, and more. Let’s revolutionize your Instagram journey together! – Omer Khan

1-Get more views for your reels

If you’re someone who posts reels on Instagram you can take it one step further by posting it on Facebook as well this will widen your audience so you get a higher number of views on your reels now the good news is you don’t have to post reel separately on Facebook and on Instagram you can set it up to post automatically on Facebook whenever you share a post or reels on Instagram so to do that go to your account go to settings and privacy sharing and remixes now scroll down to the bottom then click share as brand itself.
Now, you are all set to Grow Your Instagram LIKE CRAZY in 2024 with these simple tricks below.

2-Scheduling your post or reels

You don’t have to worry about when to post your photos or reels anymore you can schedule your post and share it later.

How to Schedule Your Posts & Reels?

just go here and select what you want to post.

I’m selecting this image

then click next now go to Advance settings and enable this option to schedule a post to select the date and time when you want to post it.

once you’re done just go ahead and share your post and you’ll see a message saying your post is scheduled for the selected time now.

if you want to see all the posts that you’ve scheduled you can click the plus symbol and you will find the schedule section here you can see your scheduled posts or reels just open it and you can see the date and when you schedule this post now say you changed your mind and want to cancel the schedule click on the three dots and click delete that’s it.

Also read : How to create a YouTube Channel in 2024

3-Upload your reels in high-quality

On to the next step which is to upload your Reels in high quality have you ever posted a reel and felt that your video quality has been reduced and it doesn’t look as good as your original video well this used to be a huge problem for Content creators but not anymore you can now share your deals in high quality just open the video you want to post click next?

then head over to advanced settings enable this option now if you go ahead and post it your reel will have the highest quality as your original video.


4-Add Multiple links to your bio

You can now add more than one link to your page and it’ll appear like this is a huge save for a lot of creators and business people who want to share many links on their page let me quickly show you how to do it just go to your profile hit edit and click add link choose external link

to add the link you want to give it a name then click here and your link will be added in the same way you can add as many links as you want and it will appear on your profile like this let’s go here and you can see all the links you’ve added if someone clicks on the link it’ll directly take them to that page.

5-Send a message without getting a notification

Here comes the fun tip you cannot send a message without the other person getting a notification yes that’s right your recipient won’t get a notification that you sent a message so they can see it only when they open the chat to send a message like that open the chat type  /silent to enter the message you want and send it as you can see here this person hasn’t received any message as a notification now if we open the chat you can see the message that we sent.

6-Download any reel

Next tip on how to download any real you want Instagram has made it possible to download reels from the app itself so you don’t have to use any third-party app however you can only download a reel if the person who posted it has allowed downloads let me show you how it works just click on the share button on any reel and you will find the download option click on it and the reel will be downloaded now if the owner has not allowed downloads the download option won’t appear here. Now you are one step ahead of Grow Your Instagram LIKE CRAZY in 2024.

7-Create attractive stories

Create stunning Instagram stories easily: Pick a photo, add Effects, insert a new image, adjust the shape, place it, add music, display lyrics, add elements, and text, and share.

8-Find the perfect filter on Instagram

You may have admired captivating filters on reels and stories, pondering their origin. Here’s the key: Open your story, tap the plus button, swipe to the end, and explore an excessive amount of filters and effects. Save favorites effortlessly by selecting and clicking, adding them to your recent filter collection.

9-Avoid sensitive content

Now, transitioning to the next tip, let’s discuss avoiding sensitive content. Perhaps you’ve encountered posts marked “sensitive content” containing discomforting information, audio, or visuals. If you prefer not seeing such content in your feed, simply navigate to your profile, access settings, and privacy, and then suggest content. From there, opt to see less sensitive content and confirm your choice.

10-Keep your account safe from hackers

Keep your account secure: enable two-step verification for added protection against hackers.

How to enable a two-step verification?

Go to Settings & Privacy, select Account Center, then Password & Security. Enable Two-Factor Authentication, choose the preferred method (WhatsApp, SMS), and finish the setup.

Fake Emails:

Beware of fake Instagram emails claiming account issues, and asking for codes or links. They’re attempts to hack your account.

Protection from Fake Emails:

Open Instagram, go to “Password & Security,” and check recent emails. Instagram notifies official emails. View login/security emails to avoid fakes, and keep the account secure.

Here are some easy and enjoyable Instagram tricks for 2024 and now you know that Grow your Instagram like crazy in 2024 Hope you find this article helpful!


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